3 Design Elements To Make Your Images More Effective

By ADTACK Marketing on June 23, 2016


When it comes to creating content, visual images are some of the most effective forms of content you can use. One of the reasons for this is because images tend to drive more social engagement than written content.

However, even though images are a fantastic way to drive social engagement, they have to be of high quality in order to do so. Poorly created images aren't going to have nearly the same amount of impact. The following are three important design elements you need to pay attention to in order to create effective images:

1. The Layout

The way the visual elements in your image are arranged is important to getting your message across clearly. Creating visual balance not only makes it easier to relay your information, but it makes your image more aesthetically pleasing. There are two design principles to keep in mind - alignment and proximity. 

  • Alignment - To create balance in your image, keep all text and visual elements aligned together.
  • Proximity - This refers to how you should direct the viewer from your visual element to your text to add unity and continuity, thereby making it easier to deliver your message.

2. The Colors

The use of color has a subconscious effect on people, which is why your use of colors can not only be extremely effective at driving social engagement, but they can also be detrimental to your message if you use the wrong ones. The following are a few things to keep in mind when choosing colors:

  • Colors convey emotion - If you're trying to create an image to create a sense of happiness and ease, then the use of cold blues and purples isn't the best idea since those colors elicit more of a sad, lonely feeling. Warmer colors, such as orange and yellow, would be more appropriate.
  • Keep it simple - Don't go overboard with your colors - one or two main contrasting colors are the best way to go. If you use too many colors, the effect can be overwhelming as it can clutter your image.

3. The Font

The font you choose for your image will reflect your brand's unique personality and style. While this is important, you also need to make sure the font you use is readable. The easier it is to decipher the text on your image, the better. Many marketers make the mistake of using a font too small or too stylistic, making it tough to read.

For the most part, keeping the text in your image the same font is the way to go, but if you do decide you need more than two fonts, make sure they contrast each other and aren't just slight variations of the same font.

Keeping these three design elements in mind when creating high quality images will help to drive social engagement. For information on how you can improve your online marketing strategy, contact us at ADTACK for a free consultation today.


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Published by ADTACK Marketing June 23, 2016