7 Things To Consider When Content Marketing on A Budget

By ADTACK Marketing on August 03, 2015

While content marketing may be more labor intensive than strategies that have been popular in the past, it represents an evolution in marketing that is more than a passing trend. Luckily, focusing on content and quality link earning strategies will yield lasting results and can be done on just about any budget. As long as you are willing to put in the time, content marketing doesn't have to cost you a thing.

1. Have a Clear Strategy 

The Internet is a vast place full of lots of competition vying for the attention of your audience. Without a clear strategy, you are sure to get lost in the shuffle.

Make sure that you have a clear vision of who your audience is , what type of information they need depending on where they are in the buyer’s journey, and the best ways to deliver that information to them. Depending on your industry or audience, you may want to concentrate your efforts on social media or focus more on writing guest blogs.

2. Develop a Content Schedule

One of the keys of successful content marketing is consistency. In order to be seen as an authority in your industry it is important to interact with your audience on a regular basis and post new blog articles on schedule. Readers are going to question your authority if you only post every six months or so. This is the case whether you are focusing your content efforts on blogging or social media.

3. Publish Valuable InformationContentMarketingBudget

Readers have the ability to find information about anything simply by using a search engine. It is important to give your readers exactly what they are looking for in order to position yourself as a go-to source for valuable information.

Don't use fluff pieces to attract visitors. Offer quality content that serves a purpose. Answer questions that are specific to your industry. Provide a glossary of terms. Write a how-to guide that they can use and share.

4. Create a Variety of Content

Sometimes marketers make the mistake of relying too heavily on written content. Make sure you are appealing to people who enjoy visuals as well. You might not even have to create entirely new content, simply repurpose long articles into infographics or slideshows. This will help your content be seen by a much wider audience. This can also help improve social sharing and increase the social proof of your business.

5. Use the Expertise of Your Employees

You might not have the money to hire an entire content team, but you can call on your existing employees to share their expertise. Have different people in the office write blog articles or make "Top Ten" lists.

While it would be nice to hire a team of professional writers, you may have all the knowledge and expertise you need to get started sitting right in your building.

6. Monitor and Make Adjustments

Instead of putting fluff content on your website and hoping for the best, use analytics to track performance. This will better help you understand what aspects of your content are working and allow you to spend your time more efficiently. Don't be afraid to make adjustments and experiment to see what types of posts and articles work best. 

7. Use Social Media

Social media outlets provide the fastest way to reach the widest audience. Establishing yourself as a trusted source for industry related information can take time, but building a following and interacting with potential customers through social media can, and should, be done on a daily basis.

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Published by ADTACK Marketing August 3, 2015