Increase Your Conversion Rates With These Clever Website Tweaks

By ADTACK Marketing on November 30, 2016

You've got a problem on your hands. And if the bigstock-Conversion-Rate-Words-Written--77074649.jpgpeople around you are being honest with you, it's no small problem: your website isn't converting visitors into potential customers.

You know the cause must be the landing pages, which present an offer or incentive in exchange for the email address that represents Opportunity with a capital O.

But the size of this problem belies the solution – or more likely, series of solutions. By making some minor tweaks to your website, you can increase your website conversion rates in no time.

Streamline with precision

Before you get started, take a step back and review your landing pages as a group. Since they probably were created by the same person (or people), the same qualities will probably be evident. Now look for places where you can streamline your landing pages; in one form or another, this crucial theme will repeat itself as you:

  • Simplify the reigning elements. If your goal was to create the Monet of landing pages, you're aiming too high. Website visitors – even the “organic” ones who took the time to find you – are often time-challenged and impatient. They're in no mood for complexity; they want simplicity. Give it to them with a short and snappy offer or incentive, a rudimentary information form and a relevant visual. Compared with Monet, the result may resemble a stick figure. But this is a classic example of less being more and less should generate more conversions.
  • Minimize and/or remove distractions. What constitutes a distraction? Anything and everything that gets in the way of those reigning elements. First, test for relevance. If an element such as a link, sidebar, product option isn't truly necessary to your conversion goal, delete it. If an element such as a header or menu is too large, reduce it.
  • Refine and experiment with your call to action. Fittingly, a call often perform bests with a robust action word. So consider changing an ambiguous appeal such as “get started” to “test yours today” or “improve your health now.” The key here is restraint with the execution; while altering a few words can cause conversions to soar, change only one call to action at a time so you have time to track the results of your tweaks.
  • Test the page speed. Those impatient website visitors have also grown a bit spoiled – or at least accustomed to pages that load quickly. If the process takes too long, even the most concise and vibrant landing pages won't hold their attention. Test your pages and if they take more than 3 seconds to load, pick up the pace.

You might need help with this last tweak – or even all of them. In this case, reach out to the marketing experts at ADTACK. They will undertake a wholesale review of your website to ensure the landing pages are functioning at an optimal level.

In the meantime, download ADTACK's Jumpstart Your Inbound Marketing offer and learn how this savvy team can finesse your overall inbound marketing strategy, of which your landing pages play a part. No matter what the problem you have on your hands, ADTACK will attack the problem with skill and confidence. It's more than their name; it's their mission, too.

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Published by ADTACK Marketing November 30, 2016