Optimizing Productivity for Your Personality Type

By ADTACK Marketing on January 18, 2017

Have you ever tried a co-worker's favorite bigstock-Time-Management--Pledge-Of-Su-81341417.jpgproductivity tool, only to have it completely fail on you a month later? Don't think of yourself as a quitter. Instead, the problem with planners and productivity apps that don't work for you is likely due to a dissonance with your productivity personality. Everyone thinks a bit differently. It's in understanding those differences and working with the tools that will enhance and not distract from those differences that will optimize your productivity.

Just consider the following breakdown of productive personality types and ways to optimize for them:

  1. The Prioritizer.  Prioritizersare the primary personality for which productivity tools are designed for. These are individuals who have no trouble blocking out all distractions and focusing on a solitary goal. They are analytical, logical and practical thinkers

Prioritizers can further optimize their productivity levels by mapping out their schedule to reflect their ability to focus. If this sounds familiar, you can further enhance your productivity by blocking out times in your schedule for specific tasks. All you need to accomplish your goals is the space and uninterrupted time to do so. Set aside time in your day for specific tasks like making calls, managing your website and outlining goals.

  1. The Planner.  Planners also thrive with set schedules, but they tend to put priority on the details that'll get them to eventually achieve their goal. They are naturally organized and adept at tracking multiple details. However, the downside of this personality is that such an adherence to organization and scheduling can make it hard for the planner to adapt to last-minute changes or project additions.

The best way for planners to mitigate such interruptions is to do what they do best: plan. Only here, it's about planning for the unexpected. The planner can optimize their productivity by sorting tasks by category first and individual task second. For example, having a column for "Call Prep" can be easily added to and adjusted if new information changes the individual tasks or goals.

  1. The Arranger.  Arrangers are people-oriented, not goal-oriented. They are extremely empathetic and skilled communicators and are often the glue that holds teams together. However, their weak point is over-communicating; focusing too much on talking instead of getting tasks done.

Arrangers can up their productivity by better controlling when to stop the talk and start the actual tasks. This involves scheduling calls and meetings back-to-back so there are more defined stop times.

  1. The Visualizer.  In many ways the opposite of the planner, visualizers thrive with the big picture. They are open-minded and innovative, adept at identifying new opportunities and strategizing ways to get to them. Unfortunately, this means they have trouble with the details and repetitive tasks.

Visualizers thus need to let go of any rigid scheduling systems and instead focus on tackling tasks by priority. List items by importance level and jump between as needed.

How do you stay organized? What personality type are you? Let us know your tips on our Facebook.

Published by ADTACK Marketing January 18, 2017