Effective Roofing Marketing Ideas To Help You Gain New Leads

By ADTACK Marketing on July 27, 2021

As a business owner in the home services industry, you are a busy person. Managing day-to-day operations, handling client orders, dealing with suppliers and coordinating with fellow contractors is a lot of work that takes up a huge portion of your time. This means that marketing efforts and lead generation aren't given the highest priority. But as an industry professional, you know that effective marketing is crucial for the growth of your roofing business. It's an indispensable part of attracting and retaining new customers. With the right marketing strategies, tools and roofing marketing ideas, you can plot your course to success and ensure your business is headed in the right direction. We have utilized the strategies below with our roofing clients and have had true success - so we know they are effective and can give you the most returns on your investment (ROI).

Roof technician installing new roof on home

SEO-optimized Website

Contrary to popular belief, you need more than a cell phone to connect with people in your community. This is especially true for those in the home services industry. In these digital times, most people are doing everything online, including researching for the best roofing services and products. To stay ahead of the curve, consider setting up a well-coded and SEO-optimized website. And no, you don't need to learn coding to design a user-friendly website; you can still take advantage of WordPress and similar tools to get the job done in no time. 

When building your site, ensure you incorporate SEO for local searches. SEO - Search Engine Optimization - is a term used to describe how search engines locate and present your website to online searchers. Ensure you create a user-friendly website with relevant keywords, backlinks, metadata, and well-optimized content. It should also be easy to navigate, load faster and have appealing visuals.

Paid Advertisements

If you have a manageable budget, consider investing in paid ads. Most prospective customers are highly likely to discover your roofing business when they search up queries like “best roofing near me,” "roofing services near me," "affordable roofing services inLas Vegas," etc. — “near me” queries indicate local searches. People searching out these relevant phrases are likely to convert into customers, and the best way to target them is through paid advertisements. Examples include Google Ads, Pay Per Clicks (PPC)  and Facebook Ads. Ensure you target a specific demographic to create maximum impact. 

Take Advantage Of Social Media

Always try to take photos of every project you undertake. Show the world those before and after photos of beautiful roofs you’ve constructed or remodeled. Showcase your skills, expertise, and talent on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and similar platforms. Tell your audience what you can offer them and how. 

Don't try these roofing marketing ideas from your personal social media channels. Create Facebook pages and other social media accounts exclusively for your business. Facebook for Business also allows you to run paid ad campaigns. Lastly, post industry news, trends and informative ideas on your business pages. Combining great photos with informative updates will earn you a vibrant online following.

Creative And User Friendly Website With Informative Web Content

Most people can't tell the difference between flash and fascia, but you confidently can. A creative and user-friendly website that contains well-optimized content can create a greater impact for your business. If possible, invest in content marketing either by frequently writing informational and educational blogs or enlisting the services of a copywriter. A freelance copywriter is better placed to answer some of your client's questions and provide roof maintenance tips. 

Email Marketing

If you haven't tried email marketing, then try it today. People love to stay up to date with new trends, offers, tips, and industry information. With email marketing, you gain the opportunity to connect with your customers and prospects, build trust by offering helpful industry updates, tips, and discounts. Email marketing is also one of the top digital marketing techniques with the highest returns on investment. Statistics show that email marketing can bring a minimum of $42 per every $1 spent. To achieve this:

  • Work on collecting email addresses from your customer list
  • Offer people small discounts,  free roof maintenance guidelines, and similar incentives to entice them to sign up for your email list.
  • Strive to send at least two monthly email newsletters

Email marketing helps you create connections that will help you turn qualified leads into target audiences and future loyal customers who will identify with your brand as an industry expert. 

Partner with AdTack For The Best Marketing Solutions

Whether you are a new startup or an established industry player seeking to establish a strong online presence, loyal customers and target audience, you can work with a reliable partner like ADTACK. ADTACK is a full-service marketing partner with solutions you can trust. From paid ads to SEO, video marketing to creative and branding, email marketing to inbound marketing, our solutions have everything your roofing business needs to stay in the game. Talk to us, and let's see how we can work together.

Published by ADTACK Marketing July 27, 2021